I use the
term legisgulator as proxy for “legislator and regulator”, but also perhaps
because it has a nice guttural ring to it. Legisgulators are modern-day emperors
unable to appreciate their nakedness or, in other words, unable to see that
their well-meaning rulemaking is, to put it bluntly, worthless.
Maybe they can only see the tree, not the jungle. Or maybe their inaction highlights another systemic shortcoming, i.e., that the legislative process also needs serious fixing.
If my
attention grabber intro has not been too intense for your sense of convention, you might
yet extract value out of this irreverent article.
on both sides of the Atlantic are busy dotting the Is and crossing the Ts on
derivatives regulations, oblivious to a vortex of collapsing capital
markets headed their (our) way. This peculiar crowd firmly believes in creating
its own climate, and historically this has an element of truth – just not
Maybe they can only see the tree, not the jungle. Or maybe their inaction highlights another systemic shortcoming, i.e., that the legislative process also needs serious fixing.
the envelope of the jungle concept I just referred to, I will compare problems
in capital markets